Just like a movie

"Yeah I said. A sad story...That's life. It's just like a movie..." (p. 30)

「just like a movie」の画像検索結果
  I was so amazed by this story. In this book, one man and two women appear mainly. At
first, the man and one of the women fall in
love and they want to marry but they have
no money so he thinks " What can I do ?" .
This is his idea " I can get a lot of money if
I marry other fortune. And he marry her  to
get money. One day he will kill her to marry
original girlfriend. In conclusion he is arrested
by police officer and go to jail, and two women
will be happy to be famous.
  This book is about adult love so we can enjoy
surely. As the title, it is just like a movie.

Leather Sue ( 2000 ) Just like a movie : cambridge



this week

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