Your Five Senses

"Your senses of taste and smell work together. That's why 
you can't taste your food very well when you have a cold."  (p....19) 

「your five senses oxford」の画像検索結果  We have five different senses. They give you lots of
information about the world around us. These are our
five senses. Sight: you see things with your eyes. Hearing
:you hear things with your ears. Smell: you smell things Taste
:you taste things with your tongue. Touch: you touch and feel
things with your skin.
 This book is very interesting. We can learn about own body. I
especially am interested in eye. In it there are many parts, and
they works well to see things. Let's read!

(2016), Your Five Senses, Oxford University Press



this week

What was it like?

the magic porridge pot