
4月, 2018の投稿を表示しています

the magic porridge pot

this book is so funny. Main character are little girl, old woman and bad boy. the little girl is poor and she can't afford to eat enough.one day, she went to forest and found something to eat. when she was eating it, an old woman who had a porridge pot came to her. the girl shared the food with the old women and had a good time. the old woman gave porridge pot to her in returns, and said "you can eat enough by this porridge pot " at the night she came to home, and she used the porridge pot , then wow wow many food appeared form the porridge pot!!!!!!!!!!!!! at the last , she became to be happy forever.............................NOnono!!! this story doesn't finish, if you want to know this story more , you should , you have to read this book. the book is   "The Magic Porridge pot" Go to Library Right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

